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Friday, September 7, 2012(:

blogged @ 12:17 AM

Thursday, September 6, 2012(:

Found a job. Hope won't be tough as The Line.
But its a French fine dining....
blogged @ 10:22 PM


Long time didn't post.
Cause' no one bother to see.
Shall do something useful this holiday. :)
Give me ideas.
blogged @ 10:21 PM

Friday, August 10, 2012(:

Feel that my clique's relationship is getting further apart..
What shall I do?
Cry for help?
I can't figure out why is it happening like this
Being outcasted.
And I dont know how to explain this feeling..but it feels like dying.
We dont talk much like before, because it is fate.
No topics to talk, maybe we all are just hi-bye friends.
Move forward and destroy the obstacles.
blogged @ 2:12 AM

Tuesday, June 26, 2012(:

Some ppl possess good leadership skills but some are far overboard bossy.
Its not i hate them, its just kind of annoying plus its our classmates, our friends.
But no one pointed that out because they scared they are being too busybody or what.
Surprisingly, they just talk behind their backs instead of talking face-to-face.
So how will they change? How will they improve?
Some ppl although bossy, or even acting bossy, sometimes are stupid.
Zero common sense. Really !
They only believe what the pro ones says but not the hardworking ppl says.
In fact, the hardworking ppl are more reliable because the pro ones are only fake.
They need to learn to be flexible, use your brain and think. Don't always use the same old method to do a different thing. Use better shortcuts instead of one big round. Don't be so rigid all the time.
Through WCP, i've learnt alot. Alot of ppl's mind, true colours or even their evil minds bossy attitude etc..
But not forgetting the skills learnt.
So... is the working world full of scheming people?
blogged @ 7:37 PM

Sunday, June 24, 2012(:

Everything is caused by your egoism. You looked happy all day long, how about in the inside? Now what I'm doing is to find out the answer. The answer to your heart...
All along, i've been always wishing you to say "I still love you."
blogged @ 8:18 PM


Just changed my blogskin awhile ago because its the time for CHANGE! To change for the better.
2 weeks of hols is ending and tmr starts school.... dreaded studying in the course, not my choice afterall.
The only thing i have and i like to do is singing, whether its in chinese english or korean. I will do my best in it.
But will i fulfill my dream..? Is there much time left?
blogged @ 8:05 PM

Friday, March 23, 2012(:

blogged @ 2:02 AM

Sunday, March 18, 2012(:

I lost my namjachingu again..
Maybe i didnt cherish him enough.
But why? There's no need to break up. It makes me more hurt and sad.
I can't move on.
I can't forget.
I tried. But i couldn't.
Keeping myself distracted by sleeping, baking and playing games.
I just cant forget him. its been 17 days since we broke up. 17 nights of non stop crying.
Bed is full of tears now.
My mind is full of him. But how can he move on so easily? Forget me easily?
Why i cant do the same thing too?
Heart is like being stabbed by million of times. Its so pain. Full of blood.
I love him alot.
I thought there's still chance to patch back but now no more. No more.
Thought of suicide. Because it hurts alot.
When school reopens, i have to leave this clique. And i must. To forget him.
Sorry for the rest of the cliques. But i cant hurt myself even further.
blogged @ 11:06 PM

Wednesday, December 28, 2011(:

I love your smile,
our first kiss,
the way you hold my hand.
Everything about you makes me happy. Its true.
Whenever i see you, i will feel excited just like what you said to me too.
I thought this will be forever. Yeongwoni..
And now everything is totally gone. Gone. It will not come back.
Even we have been together for 1month plus. I collected alot of memories of us. Happy ones.
But when i think of it, it brings me more pain. When i think of you.
Thanks for adding colours to my life...
Goodbye my love.
I love you.
blogged @ 5:56 PM


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