Thursday, April 30, 2009(:
yesterday got ENGLISH exams and today got CHINESE exams!!! okok lar.but i scared lose marks. :(WE got a SILVERRRRRRRRR for SYF CO!NOT HAPPY AT's my first time performing SYF We thought we would get GOLD leh >.<all because of the another SCHOOL(my cousin's school) la.idiots sia.what the heckthey were actually the first one performingbut then they too late alreadyso we were the FIRST one to perform!!They deserve a C.O.P NOT GOLDUNhappy when they announced that we gotten a SILVER.and the temasek sec very pro!! they get GOLD WITH HONOUR!!!WAaAaaaA!!they perform Fei Tian.nice song ley!i wish my school could be like that T_T.........
Sunday, April 19, 2009(:
Today is XiuQin's birthday!!! ^^ Happy Birthday to her!Her wish is to get GOLD for SYF! YAY ^^Hope can come true o_odeciding to give her PRESENTS tmr school.SYF is coming !!!! 2 more days!!! AHHHHH!hope conductor will not scold us >.<must concentrate.and not dreaming away!
Jia you Jia you ^^vI <3 CO very much!
Hope that our hard work will not be wasted. >.<
Saturday, April 11, 2009(:
lol. its Good Friday ytd! ^^one extra holiday^^and cousin Angela came my house overnight until Sunday then go backlolso fun!!We play Audi and Maple ^^vand i havent done my homework yet..i glued to the com whole day long.wahahahahah!Sunday then do homework la.Dont care^^Next Monday gonna perform le! YAY!!So excited! :DLooking Forward to it.
Sunday, April 5, 2009(:
shoes shoes SHOES!!!!!!!!!
todat just bought shoes with xiuqin, xinhui & shijia..
we went out at 2pm,
go home at 4pm.
at first go admiralty de Madaboutshoes shop..
but dont have xinhui and mine size (cannot fit in!!)
so all decided to go cwp
we go John little- no shoes fit our expectations
Metro- the shoe only left 1 40size de then i don have....only xinhui buy
at last go Mila shop, me, xiuqin and shijia bought at there. ^^
but a little to tight in my toes coz the shoes is very pointed!
spent about $25.40 T_T
ok then go home liao~~
boring la, need do homework again.
then tmr early wake up, sian ~_~
Saturday, April 4, 2009(:
lols.. today 6pm evening went to outside civic centre
go watch SCO performance ^^ with xinhui, jocelyn and other CO members
LOL so enjoyed by the performance!!!!!!!!
they all pro!
then mr Goh didnt go sad :(
but at least xu lao shi got perform da ruan ^^
good good :D
then got person singing..
very nice too ^^
and i just love the sai ma song <3
so many people there lor.
the overall was too good!
after that, xin hui & i went buy bubbletea
and went back home.
jocelyn they all go pasar malam O.o
too late le
i 10pm then eat dinner

hmmm.. its april fool's 3 days ago! and nothing special but its JUSTIN's birthday!
so good at April Fool's ^^
boring la!
weekday cannot PLAY com
only can do the project. :(
so today at 8am play Maple
and chiong lvl.
and my cousin JH so lazy
faster lvl la!
and not much homework!
only A-math =.=