Saturday, August 30, 2008(:
thursday just gotten my results already!!! what the hell i just get 68% overall only...7/42 postion O.O my eng and lit was very bad! i need to improve english(55) by 5 or 10 marks!! and then my lit fail. stupid sia. what i dont know why i fail by 3 marks and zitian got 73! what the hell. not fair! but nevermind :) yay..d&t got first in class! yay.. im almost happy for the results. :D but i still got room for improvement... last time my results very lousy and this time i shoot up yoohoo! haha! xDDDDeng-55 C5
chinese-72 A2
math-68 B3
sci-67 B3
his-73 A2
geo-62 B4
lit-47 D7
d&t-99 A1
art-68 B3
Wednesday, August 27, 2008(:
hiie! today sch just went for the heritage tour to the fire engine museum. it was kinda borrring =.= then at bus very dizzy. then went back sch got chinese lesson and take fruits :/ ok.. thats for all today......................
Sunday, August 24, 2008(:
hello! today is my mum's birthday! happy birthday to her! :) yesterday just put 3 air-cons. very dusty! but the air-con very good...very cold.. today just paint the time then paint bedrooms and living room! painting the wall is fun! i decided to paint some pictures on the wall of my bedroom. hehe :P the sad thing is, today the olympic's going to END! SAD! :(((( it only last abt 16 days.... :(
Wednesday, August 20, 2008(:
today is the best day! got d&t do workshops, ms claudia late for class and chinese lesson okok la.. and today got sign all the papers already! haha! my papa say good! ^^v and say still need for room improvement for sci and geog :) for d&t, me and sherler got full marks! YAY! ok..i got to go sleep. bye! night night :D
Friday, August 15, 2008(:
hello peeps! yay today end of common test already!
now can play games already ^^v very happy! :D
ok.. nothing to write abt today but today
just got math class test again! =.=
i got some careless mistakes!!
coz i saw jin na's paper already
and she got full marks!
*clap clap*
she very pro in maths too!
hahas! ok..bye! :P
Tuesday, August 12, 2008(:
hellos! today's common test starts today. it is maths and it is ok la not very difficult :D then tmr is the sci and geography test... actually im not nervous. o.O this evening very cold, strong wind! of course got raining but AWHILE only! what the hell?? i wish could rain the whole day until tmr then no go parade square assemble! xPPPP coz there got many fly fly things like mosquito and houseflies and blah blah.... x.x here's the pic of the super grey clouds~
haha! gambate for the common test! add oil add oil! beep beep! >.<
Saturday, August 9, 2008(:
hi! this is my 50th post! haha. today is the singapore national day! today got raining a little bit and today feel very dull. =.= ok. today at home boring...and then play PS2. i know it is very lame. today didnt play com coz common test is coming and also very tired and giddy while playing too much com gamesss... today morning go play PS2 de Katamari. wah siao.. i play too much already after that then i feel dizzy shit.. yup. i dizzy for the half day until i go my downstair's night market, pasar malam. =/ wtf, thats the lamest market. nothing there..i just buy candy floss and popcorn. nothing else there...i just wanted to buy the 1000 pieces puzzle then dont have! wtf??? its a shit there. argh. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... i want go another market next time then got buy the puzzle and buy 2 or 3 boxes lor.. the 1000 pieces puzzle so easy like cake. 4 or 5 days can do finsh liao lo...sorry, im not boasting. but this is the FACT! oks..i dont feel like studying... =x hahas.. ok i'll stop here. sayonaraaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Friday, August 8, 2008(:
today is 08/08/2008! wow O.O go school and walk outside school.. very tired. then i also need go the speech day go watch. i was very tired! and i sleep there xD.. after that, we go chingfang's house play... then go home! :D no special occasion today :( hehe, bye!
Saturday, August 2, 2008(:
yoz! yesterday is the first day of august
..yeahs...getting eerie now. 0.0'''
exams going to come already...
stress also come. sad.
got to study hard now!
haha..and i just playing 2 hands on marriage d'amour on the piano.
yay nice music.
but need to improve =*.*=
ha! sayonara!