Sunday, July 27, 2008(:
yay! yesterday my mama come back already! ^^ then go burger king and eat. my papa bought 2 whoppers, 1 double mushroon swiss burger, 1 medium fries, 2 ice lemon tea and 1 coke/pepsi. cost $21 ! abd very nice to eat! yum yum :D then my cousin give me a disc inside got 100+ thai songs i think! HAHAHA! yay! got the audition songs le! the kamikaze and the freestyle song got leh! ^^v haiz..need to do homework which is HISTORY!!! must write 500+ words leh. go die. ok le. next time then post. Bye! :)
just taking some pictures :D 
oops! i ate finish the fries!

Friday, July 25, 2008(:
hellos! today just got CO very tiring...haha and my mama is coming back tmr! yay! ^^v tmr go airport eat burger king! :) and also learn finish the whole song playing piano 'Innocence' already. now going to learn When You're Gone. :D haha.. now going to sleep already.Bye! :DD
Thursday, July 17, 2008(:
yo! today is chingfang's birthday! woohooo!! Wish her happy and good luck :D:D:D:D:D:D
Tuesday, July 15, 2008(:
hellos! today just went to causeway point to buy chingfang's present. only me, sherler and xiuqin buy first...then wangqin and jinna accompany chingfang go library! and they two havent bought the presents yet!! becoz chingfang want to be with wangqin and cannot 'shake' her off! zzz...very frustrating la her.......but we shop very long to get present for her...very sian leh! we dunno what she likes..then me and xiuqin share and buy the keychain of beads at Gift A Name there..cost $8+, then i go More Than Words buy another present by myself...the mini lollipop thing.. then sherler bought already her present...ok...after that, sherler go home liao..left me and xiuqin, then we go and look for wangqin they all at civic center. haizz.....dunno what they doing,.... soooo slooow...okk...then i buy bubbletea and finally go home already!!! my bag very heavy and i got loads of homeworks to do at home. very tiring...ok.. i will stop here.. byebye :D2 more days to
chingfangs's birthday!! :P
Sunday, July 13, 2008(:
hello. today woke up at 5.30am and my mama and papa went to the airport... :( today got the drum performance and also got saw the SM goh chok tong! lol! he watch our performance and talk to our leader of the drum lor! wow O.O so good.. then the camera mans always take photo got bright flash..very extra lor! when i and wangqin playing, the camera man extra come between us and take the SM photos.. haiz.. very tiring. i need to catch some sleep. :( i wish mama could come back early... and the freaking maths test last week, its was very difficult. i think i will get single digit for the test. T.T ........ just before i go home, wangqin xiuqin and me went to causeway point! we go there shopping for choosing present for chingfang's brithday. haiz...dunno what to very boring at home...what should i do???
Saturday, July 12, 2008(:
hi all. i am at home the whole day long,watching brown sugar macchiato with mama! i watch it again and it is not boring at all! Interesting right? :) but im sad today coz my mama is going to thailand tmr for some important things to do. sad... :( i will miss her... i dont want to be at home, alone. and no one help with the dishes, wash clothes, do housework and take care of miko. my papa had no time to do these things coz he has to work. :"(i cant send mama tothe airport coz i need to go for thedrum performance andi dont feel excited anymore.And no one's at home cooking.i cried.i feel sad.Mom, plz take care :D
Wednesday, July 9, 2008(:
hihihi now very late already...but i took the afternoon nap ^^ now wont feel sleepy. i finish the learning the piano song already.. now going to learn innocence or when you're gone by avril lavigne! :) i learn the first part..quite ok..nothing difficult there! haiz! then now i got join the percussion, drum! yay! im looking forward to this sunday to perform it! and also can earn CCA point! hahaha. ok got to go now! bye :D8 more days for chingfang'sbirthday!!
Monday, July 7, 2008(:
hello all! this is my 40th post...hmmm dunno what to talk to abt..just to say yesterday is youth day! and today no sch!! ^^v but at home very bored...i havent done my chinese compre yet! sian...i dont like to do and i dont want to do! must write very long sentence..ok. nothing to say already. :)the next 10 days is going to be chingfang's birthday!yipeee! xD
Wednesday, July 2, 2008(:
yay! today just finished my maths
my com got problems le! ;( sad!
everything gone already!
my pictures my musics, song games all gone!
Y.Y argh!!
need to re-download the maple
and other games!
coz i re-format all the thing all gone. sad !!!!
ytd i go swimming with chingfang they all...
very fun!
but tiring la!!
today also very tired...
sleep ^^v