Wednesday, April 30, 2008(:
exams exams exams.........
exams questions are like the monsters!
i needa kill them each by each to answer it..
answer correct liao then the monster
die lah of course........
if not correct or dunno how to do...
the monster attack me then
i left the remaining life i hav...
example the monster or question is 20 marks...
then i dunno...
my 100 life become 80 le...
shit points lah!
scared i fail my exams :(
nobody knows how i feel abt the exams...
at least the four main subjects pass especially EnglisH!
haiz...1 more week then can play com le!
play dao siao liao!!
but i play the online games my classmates
and friends rarely play shitty -.-
i only can play maple with ming ming...
then audi..don like to play with sherler they all
coz i always win..
no fun de and also less play...
then getamped? also tio scold...
say what lagger, TKer(team killer) diao...
they all nubs la...
dunno what is playing peace-.-
even thai getampers more friendly than sg...
i prefer thai getamped but too bad dunno how to communicate :((((
and they all don type english...haiz...
faster holiday plz plz plz!
i need fun!!x.x
OI! those whoever play getamped or whoever stranger..
ign is ::SwissRolls::
those kao peh kao bu also come find me!!
Monday, April 21, 2008(:
♥ i fail my maths retest again...:(
last time 10marks then
this time 12 marks...
only improve 2 marks!!!
i dunno why like that de...
chingfang they all got improve so much...
good lor...i lose to them le...
mei you xi wang le...:(((
and another thiing is someone copy
my blogskin to make blog shop sia...
cb i HATE being copy-ed..
Saturday, April 19, 2008(:
haha..:D today is xiuqin's birthday...
dunno how she celebrate at her house..
ytd we brought her presents at sch for her!
good day!!
today eat KFC!! mwahahahahahaaha!!!!!!!!!!
i got nothing better to do.... -.-
HaPpY BiRtHdAy To XiU qIn!!!!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008(:
today i stay at home play com! ^.^
everyday like that...
and exams are around the corner...
today i play a new online game
which is called Mo Siang...;D
i downloaded ytd fun lor...
i only lvl 8 nia..
very difficult to lvl sia!
and i also very laggy playing the game..>.<
sianz...havent do the ms claudia's hw....
need to write abt lit 'the pearl' fer 5oo words!!! -.-
today so cold sia...
brrrrrrrrr...maybe this is the last post le!!
going to workhard fer the exams...
Gambate!! :O
Thursday, April 10, 2008(:
today is a stupid day...
first lesson is history then math...
after recess...walao eh...
i hate that benjamin bully me
and say i got rumours abt him...WTF?
then matthew the dog
also bully me...i don understand lah............
then he apologise and i know that
he not sincere....nubs....
after that got form teacher's time then sci...
yays finally i got the sci workbk
from ms yeo liao!:DDD she so nice!
the last lesson is chinese
and we have to do the letter writing....
sch is over for today....
eh! not yet la!
we still have to do the history test!
and it was easy enuf.....
then got raining! sherler ask me
if me and ching fang they all want
to ride on her dad's car to CWP....
and then mdm wan ask us to wait at 2.30
for some visitor to show
the way to the AVA room...
sherler go home first then we have to wait...
2.30 liao then got no visitor yet!
we go up to the room and ask ms wang
then she ask us to stay at 2.45
if not then go home........
wait and wait liao 2.45 also no visitor!
we go up again then ms wang say nvm
and we can go home liao!
we decide to go CWP later on
to buy things at bengawan solo...
and next xiuqin and i go home liao.....
(ytd was my dad's birthday! and i forgot all abt it!!! now then i know....>.<''')
Saturday, April 5, 2008(:
miie new wallet!

miie new bag! luv kitty!

today feeling good lor ;)
my mum bought me
a hello kitty bag and
nice wallet too!!
she buy takoyaki for me then
i very happy le...
and also my mum strike 4D! :DDD
today so lucky lor...
but nothing to say more abt today..-.-
Tuesday, April 1, 2008(:
Happy April Fools Day!!! heehee! :P
today went to sch with xiuqin only...
went to class to put bag
and go locker take bks
then go assemble...
talking with ching fang and i say
that 'today no Geography'
then she believe! lolz. 'happy april fools day!'
haha..she so noob xD teehee!
after that mr ang also play a joke on us too!!
ha! he said that next year
the boys stay at christ church
then gals go woodgrove study...wakao!
huh?? i almost believe it! i also dumb liao.
dotz.. class starts which is PE...
yays i improve on standing broad jump le
but nvr do shuttle run...xP
then is geo lesson and most
of my classmates nvr do homework!!
me too! sad :( need to copy the mind map
from the text bk and also do extra hw...
recess liao...sherler and i eat nasi lemak, yummy! :p
then form teacher lesson...
mrs ang check our hair
she said my side fringe must clip.. lol!
then check skirts and socks :) i very guai one xD...
maths lesson tan teach us de..sian la..
don understand what he talking like shit...-.-
i prefer mrs ang teach us...
but the math i really don understand...omg...
then halfway xiuqin, agnes
they all went for volleyball tournament....
during english lesson we have to do compo exposition
and i write abt students should bring hp to sch
and write 25o words...that is ok ;) lol.
then ming ming say no such things as hp
in the dictionary is mobile phone!! dotz.
haha...nvm that was the last lesson liao!!
:DDD after sch, we in the bus liao
then that chou ching fang want to go
to wang qin house!! last min then tell us!! >:(((
jin na also want go -.-grrrrrrr!
then left me and sherler...
we go buy bubbletea and go library...
borrow bks then go home liao..;)
ok end liao..this is how i done on april fools day..
hahas :DDD